Tuesday, December 1, 2009

End of Vacation

So this is Dad's last day on vacation. I'll be coming back home tomorrow. Which means I have to go another week without getting to see Henry. He seems to be learning more and more motor skills everyday so I'm sure I'll miss a lot over the week. Just the other morning when I got up with Henry (he's been waking up consistently at about 6am every day), he rolled over from back to belly... It was actually quite hilarious because every time he tried, he would pass gas. Then when he actually rolled over, he passed a lot of gas :)

Anyway, I'm going to post a few pictures with this one since I won't be able to take any pictures over the next week. This is on Henry's first Thanksgiving:

This picture was taken one morning over the weekend at the cabin:

While we were up at Shaver, Santa was in town so we took Henry up to see him. It was outside in a very rustic setting which was much better than in a big mall. He was very well behaved and was fascinated by the fake beard.


  1. I'm sure the fake beard just made him think Santa was silly. Why have a fake beard when you can have a real one like dad's or uncle Adam's? I hope that at every major physical milestone he passes gas. Think of it: crawling, hitting a racquett ball, walking, skipping, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, learning to drive a stick shift...

  2. That would be a mother's dream. Getting married "I do"...passes gas.
