Friday, October 30, 2009


So Dad's been out with H1N1... So yeah, I've been spending a lot of time away from Henry - mostly quarantined in the bedroom - so I don't get him sick. That doesn't yield many pictures. But there's a few shots I wanted to post from last weekend that Mom took of Henry and I (before I got sick). Back to the recovery room...

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Henry's still developing every day. He's getting better at grabbing on to things which makes him have more fun with his toys. His attention span seems to be increasing. And I swear he responds to his name, but maybe it's just to my voice... Here's a picture when Mom put Henry up on her shoulders.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Uncle Adam bought Dad a remote for his camera. I played around with it a bit today so here's a picture with both Mom and Dad (and Henry, of course). He has no idea what he's in for being raised by us :) Clearly he'll have non-stop fun! I mean, look at him!

Monday, October 12, 2009


This past weekend, Henry came down with a bit of a cold. He was congested and sneezing and coughing and his voice was really raspy. He even had a bit of a temperature last night. Needless to say, he did not have a good weekend. Even though he cried a bit more than usual, and his face was covered in snot and drool, we were still able to find smiles throughout the day to keep us going:

But yes, he did do more crying than usual (this next picture was moments after the previous one)... We'll all be happy to have him back in full health. -Click on the picture to see the tears :(

New Toy

Henry's borrowing an exersaucer from some friends. Mom's not the biggest fan of plastic toys, but Henry loves this thing! There is so much to stimulate his little developing brain. He's a little small for it, but he has such good leg and head strength, that we just pad him with some blankets and let him go at it! Here he is enjoying his new toy.